IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks
13–16 May 2024 // Washington, DC

Call for Papers

The 2024 IEEE DySPAN Workshop on “Decentralized, ORAN-centric Spectrum Sharing Strategies” will be held on Monday, May 13 2024 in Washington D.C., USA. This workshop will focus on two complimentary means for enabling dynamic spectrum sharing: the use of open RAN (ORAN) based techniques and decentralized systems based on distributed sensing, consensus algorithms, distributed auctions and related domains. ORAN has gained significant attention for its modular, flexible and adaptive nature, and machine learning techniques naturally arise given all the data collected by the radios operating in the everchanging spectral environment. We anticipate ORAN in general, and RIC in particular, to play a pivotal role in the development of next generation dynamic spectrum sharing schemes.

Along a similar vein, decentralized systems have gained considerable attention in recent years. Wireless systems are hyperlocal in nature, and a combination of distributed sensing, edge computing and consensus algorithms can prove to be powerful tools to enable distributed decision making in spectrum sharing networks. We welcome submissions addressing either ORAN based techniques for spectrum sharing or distributed spectrum sharing algorithms as well as work that a combination of these domains.

We invite submissions of original work on both theoretical and practical aspects in these areas.

The related topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • ORAN-based optimization of spectrum resources
  • ORAN architecture for shared spectrum
  • Standardization of ORAN for shared spectrum
  • ORAN security and privacy with shared spectrum
  • Consensus based algorithms for spectrum sharing
  • Distributed edge computing and spectrum allocation
  • Policy implications of ORAN and Distributed Approaches for spectrum sharing
  • Economic aspects of ORAN and Distributed Approaches for spectrum sharing



  • Authors will need to follow the IEEE conference paper style. View details about the format.
  • The page limit is 6 pages, including references, appendices and figures.
  • To submit your paper, visit the following link: 



  • Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: January 17, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance:  February 1, 2024
  • Camera-ready submission and registration deadline: February 29, 2024
