IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks
13–16 May 2024 // Washington, DC

Call for Papers


The topics will tentatively include:

  • Hardware and software platforms to support radio dynamic zones and spectrum sharing: testbeds, simulations, emulations, and virtualizations, i.e., designing and deploying testbeds, tools for improving testbed operation and maintenance, usage and impact studies of experimentation infrastructure.

  • Tools, methods, and techniques to support dynamic spectrum sharing:  designing and conducting large and complex evaluations, experiences and discussions of qualitative and quantitative methods, what are the models and tools that facilitate research.

  • Dynamic Spectrum Sharing deployment trials and datasets: measurement required to understand performance and optimization and defining appropriate metrics, i.e., valid metrics, test cases, and benchmarks, effectiveness of metric in evaluation, impact of measurement on evaluation. Collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and how do we compare data sets, methods to collect, generate, or derive new ones, historical impact of a dataset.

  • Regulatory frameworks and policies, economic considerations, business scenarios: survey and evaluation frameworks and methodologies for real-world considerations, user-related characteristics and modeling, security 


Scope and Format: 

We welcome a wide range of paper, abstract, idea submissions, that can be in the idea phase, new work, or experience-based work. The workshop offers participation opportunities for both academic and industry dynamic spectrum sharing field trial efforts. 


  • Position Paper: discuss new or provocative ideas of interest 

  • Experience Paper: describe activities and recount lessons learned (e.g., from experiments or deployments) that might help researchers in the future.

  • Preliminary Work Paper: describe early results from interesting and new ideas. We anticipate that such works-in-progress papers may eventually be extended as full papers for publication at a conference.

  • Extended Work Paper: expand upon unpublished aspects of previous work (published in any venue). We welcome papers that provide a compelling addition to a previously developed approach, method, tool, measurement, benchmark, data set, simulation/emulation, evaluation results. Note that submissions in this category can also extend the work of others (e.g., using a previously published tool in a new way). Submissions in this category should clearly explain which sections are novel compared to prior work.



  • Short Paper: Submissions must be no longer than four pages. Short papers should provide enough context and background for the reader to understand the contribution. 

  • Long Paper: Submissions must be no longer than six pages. 



Paper Deadlines:

Submit: January 17th, 2024

Notifications: February 14th 2024 

Camera Ready: February 29th 2024 
